House Rules
These rules are being proposed by your corps of Officers and are required to be enforced by Grand Lodge, they are for your protection and it is up to each Member to police and enforce them. This is your Club, your liquor license and these rules are made with your best interest in mind.
- All details connected with the operations of the Club, Bar and Restaurant are responsibility of the House Committee.
- The Bar, at the discretion of the House Committee, will generally be open Sunday-Wednesday from 11:00am – at least 9:00pm, and Thursday-Saturday from 11:00am – at least 11:00pm. For special occasions it may stay open until 2:00am. Exceptions to the rule maybe made by the Exalted Ruler and/or House Committee and/or Bartenders on duty. Officers and Bartenders must refrain from over-serving any person deemed too intoxicated and a possible danger to themselves or others.
- The overservice or consumption of alcohol as defined by local law or ordinance is strictly prohibited; this rule shall be applicable to all Members, Officers, and employees of the Lodge pursuant to Grand Lodge Statute 17.052.
- There will be no other activities in the Lodge or Club facilities during any regular or special Lodge Session or meeting/ceremony except as permitted by the Statutes of the Order (GLS 16.090). Bartenders/Officers reserve the right to refuse bar service to any customer who is very clearly intoxicated to the point that they may be a danger to themselves or others.
- A Member must register their guest and is responsible for the conduct of their guest at all times. The Member must be present during the time their guest is in the Lodge.
- Non-Elk visitors are not permitted on Lodge premises after 6:00pm on Tuesday nights except permitted in accordance with section 16.090 of the Statutes of the Order, or when inviting prospective member on dark Tuesday.
- Members in good standing and guests are the only persons permitted usage of this Lodge facility. When it is rented or an open meeting of function declared, the remainder of the facility is open to the membership.
- Any Elk or former Elk who is delinquent, has been dropped for non-payment of due, or for conduct unbecoming an Elk from this Lodge or any other Lodge will not be admitted to this Lodge or Club as a guest of any Member of this Lodge or Member of any other Lodge.
- Visiting Members of the Order will be required to register and exhibit their current Membership Card at the Office or to the Bartender.
- Members must buy all drinks at the bar for their guests at all times. Our policy dictates that ONLY Members of this Lodge may charge against their Member number only.
- Drinks will not be served 15 minutes prior to closing time and all drinks must be off the bar and tables by closing time, including during Lodge meeting nights.
- Loud, rude, boisterous, profane and obscene language is prohibited.
- Any Member found guilty of conduct unbecoming an Elk or in violation of any of these rules may be suspended by the House Committee from the privileges of the Club in the manner provided by Statutes of the Order and By-Laws of San Luis Obispo Lodge 322.
- Any Member or guest entering the building, while under the influence of intoxicants, will not be allowed to remain.
- No Member shall remove, mutilate or destroy any Lodge property. Malicious or careless damage done will be repaired or replaced and paid for by the person or persons responsible, and who further may be subject to subordinate forum.
- No personal circulars, notices or advertising shall be posted in the Lodge facility.
- No items shall be sold in the building for any purpose except for Elk functions or activities.
- Minors will not be permitted in the Lodge Facilities or Bar area unless accompanied by a parent or guardian at all times and must not sit at the bar at anytime. Serving minors from the pool area shall be at the Bar window. Guests will be allowed in the Game Room accompanied by a Member in good standing except on Tuesday night; which will remain for Members only. Requests for tournaments and other exceptions require House Committee approval.
- NO animals will be allowed in the building except for certified service animals or scheduled entertainment.
- Members shall not, under any circumstances, reprimand an employee of the Lodge or Club. Any complaint must be presented to the House Committee, either directly or by way of the Secretary, in written/signed form for the appropriate actions.
- Any Member issuing a check with insufficient funds will forfeit their Club privileges until the check is made good and will be assessed a $35.00 returned check fee.
- The Bartender is responsible to secure and lock the building when the bar closes. The responsibility can be assumed by any Officer of the Lodge if the occasion arises.
- No beverages of any nature are to be taken from the building, facilities or pool area. Drinks taken to the pool must be in plastic containers. No food or beverages are to be brought in from outside the Lodge premises for consumption anywhere in the Lodge building, facilities, or pool area except when permission is granted by the House Committee. During periods when the Lodge kitchen is closed, limited food may be brought in for personal consumption. Events which reserve an area of the Lodge or pool for group use are exempt from this provision, with permission from the House
Committee. Bringing in outside alcohol is strictly prohibited unless authorized by the House Committee for a special event. Loss of Club privileges may be assessed for violations. - Drinking of alcoholic beverages behind the bar area is prohibited.
- The Pool, Jacuzzi, and Steam Room rules as published and posted become an integral part of the House Rules and shall be enforced as such.
- House Rules will be published in the Bulletin, i.e., the “Elks Yell”, at least once a year or when a major change is made.
- Use of tobacco products, including Vape pens and E cigarettes are prohibited inside buildings of San Luis Obispo Lodge #322. No smoking is allowed within 25 feet of all doors and windows of the buildings including the pool area.
- Trash dumpsters are to be used for lodge trash only. RV Storage renters and the general membership are not to use Lodge dumpsters for their personal trash.
- No overnight camping outside of paid, designated spots.
- Fez: Wearing of the fez is optional. Except as hereinafter provided, all Members of the Order shall be entitled to wear the purple fez with a white tassel. The tassel shall be secured to the left side of the fez. A further clip of brilliants may be used. The purple fez shall be further decorated by a gold-colored metal Elk Head, embroidered Elk Head, or an approved Patch with the BPOE logo. The purple fez shall also be lettered with the BPOE, as well as with the Lodge number, city, and state. Initials may be used for the Lodge name/city. Any Exalted Ruler or Past Exalted Ruler who has served at least half their term and finished the Elk Year in office shall be entitled to wear a purple tassel on their fez, as well as to have the title of their rank or past rank lettered thereon. Any District Deputy, Association President or Vice President of an Association, or any past holder of any of these ranks, shall be entitled to wear a gold tassel on their fez, as well as to have the title of their rank or past rank lettered thereon. Secretaries of Associations or of Lodges shall be entitled to have their title lettered on their fezzes. Alternate Fez designs, including but not limited to emblems, lettering, patches, etc., are allowed pending approval by the Lodge House Committee. Fezzes may be worn by Members in good standing while at the Lodge, and at community events in which the Lodge is participating, including parades, memorials, etc. Fez wearing outside of the Lodge, or outside of community events as described above is prohibited.
- Persons use the pool at their own risk.
- The pool is for use by 322 Elks Members, their immediate household members, and a reasonable number of guests. Guests must be signed into the register and a $5 per guest donation to charity is encouraged.
- Pool will be closed during Lodge Sessions.
- No running or boisterous play in pool areas.
- Glass bottles, glasses or jars ARE NOT permitted in the pool area.
- Children under the age of 18 MUST be supervised by a Member or spouse at all times.
- Bathing attire is not allowed in the Clubhouse and will be strictly enforced.
- The management shall not be responsible for lost or stolen articles.
- Visiting Elks are allowed to bring up to 3 guests only, which includes their immediate family. The fee is $10 per person and includes the visiting Elk. There is no fee for a visiting Elk that is staying overnight in the RV Camping area. Fees for their guests still apply. Visiting Elks are responsible for their guests and any damage they may cause.
- Children under the age of 3 may not use the main pool under any circumstances. No child or person, no matter what their age, may use the main pool if they require a swim diaper.
- Children who are not toilet trained MUST wear swim diapers at all times. Swim diapers and wipes are not to be flushed down any drains on the property.
- Only small pool toys are allowed in the pool area.
- Animals are not allowed within the pool enclosure with the exception of certified service animals.
- All persons including Members, spouses, family and guests utilizing the pool must register the names of all the users in the Registration Book before entering the pool area.
- Pool furniture is to be used only as it is intended for. Standing/jumping on furniture is prohibited. Members will be held responsible for damaged property by their guests and/or children.
The following rules will apply to the use of the Jacuzzi. They are subject to change by a vote of the membership at a regular meeting.
- Use at your own risk.
- Bathing attire will be worn at all times.
- Use is for Elk Members, their spouses, and their guests only. No one under the age of 18 is allowed inside the Jacuzzi or Jacuzzi area. No nudity at any time.
- No food, beverage or other objects allowed in Jacuzzi bath area at any time.
- Hours of use are 11:00am – 9:00pm daily, except Tuesday after 7:00pm, or when Club facilities are closed.
- It is suggested that if you have high blood pressure, heart or breathing problems, or any other medical conditions you should consult with a physician before using the Jacuzzi.
- No soap is to be used in Steam Room.
- No alcoholic beverages are to be taken into Steam Room.
- The steam Room is for 322 Members, their spouses, visiting Elks and their spouses only. Those visiting Elks staying overnight in the RV Camping area may use the Steam Room, at no charge, during their stay.
- No oils or salves or any objects are to be placed in the steam pit.
- No smoking in Steam Room.
- Hours of use are 11:00am – 9:00pm daily, except Tuesday after 7:00pm, or when Club facilities are closed.
- The thermostat is not to be touched as it has been tested for efficiency and correct operating temperature.
- No one under the age of 21 years of age is allowed in the Steam Room.
- The rules will be enforced and Members causing infraction will stand a excellent chance of suspension. At the present time there is no charge for the Steam Room and those who have enjoyed using it are most enthusiastic. Please, don’t spoil the fun by abusing the privilege.
We strongly urge you to read and observe the above rules. Please caution your children not to use the Steam Room.